Wednesday 15 October 2014

Baseball Player | How to Hit Farther

How to Hit Farther throws a baseball, dynamic stability can be compromised, sometimes resulting in rotator cuff tears, labral tears, and muscle strains (3, 8, 9).  A proper training program incorporating sound strength and conditioning principles like the “Ballistic Six” is required to increase the dynamic stability of a pitcher’s shoulder.
Plyometric training has been shown to be an effective way to increase the strength and performance of the shoulder (4, 6).  The Ballistic program includes 6 upper extremity plyometric exercises performed with quick, powerful movements requiring a prestretch of the involved shoulder musculature, thereby activating the stretch-shortening cycle.  The stretch-shortening cycle is what makes a plyometric exercise unique, and it consists of 3 phases:  the eccentric phase, the amortization phase, and the concentric phase.  
The eccentric phase is the first phase of a plyometric exercise.  It is described as a rapid eccentric contraction that evokes a stretch reflex.   The main mechanism of the stretch reflex is the muscle spindle.  Muscle spindles are sensory mechanisms located within muscle fibers.  They are sensitive to the rate and magnitude of a stretch.  When a muscle fiber is quickly stretched eccentrically, the muscle spindle will be activated.  The activation of a muscle spindle will result in a more powerful concentric contraction in the opposite direction (1).

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For More Information Visit:- How to Play Baseball Better

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