Wednesday 27 August 2014

Throw Better Training With Sports Enhancer

Eccentric Contraction Definition: An eccentric muscle contraction is a type of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it lengthens. This is what the muscles are doing during the cocking phase of throwing and hitting.

throw better
The major muscle groups being activated during How to Throw Better and hitting are: the rotators and extensors of the hip, the internal and external obliques of the trunk, the adductors and internal rotators of the shoulder, and the extensors of the elbow. The best way to train these muscles is to invoke the eccentric to concentric muscle coupling mechanism used during plyometric training on the Throwing and Hitting Sports Enhancers.

Therefore, performing coordinated exercises designed to tax the entire kinetic chain is crucial for the throwing, hitting, and kicking athlete. Proper training of the kinetic chain involves exercises designed to train the trunk, hips, shoulder girdle, upper and lower limbs in a proximal to distal sequence, in a coordinated, synchronous manner. There are currently no devices on the market specifically designed to allow throwing, hitting, or kicking athletes to properly train their kinetic chain.

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