Wednesday 27 August 2014

Tips to Play Baseball Better

To play a better baseball player is you need to watch baseball! Sounds easy, right? Well believe it or not, many players think that there is some magical potion or pill they can take, but you need to take action to get better. And the first thing you need to do is watch the game. See how they players throw, see how they hit, try and pay attention to the little things they do.
How to play

  1. Make the easy plays look easy. Develop your skills to the fullest with basic drills. When you’re perfect at the easy stuff, the more difficult plays will come easier.

  2. Be aggressive in the outfield. Don’t wait for ground balls to reach you. Go after them. Develop quick feet so you can go where the action is as fast as possible.

  3. Put pressure on the defense. If you see a grounder, start running. Make them have to switch their focus to tag you.

For More Information Visit:- How to Play Baseball Better

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