Wednesday 27 August 2014

Training on the Pitching and Hitting Sports Enhancers

how to pitch
Training on the Throwing and Hitting Sports Enhancers provides an athlete the ability to optimize this interaction. During throwing and hitting, the proximal segments– the hip and trunk–accelerate the entire system and sequentially transfer momentum to the next distal segment, the shoulder and upper limb. Conservation of momentum explains this segmental interaction. The equation for angular momentum is segment inertia times its angular velocity.

The concept of specificity is an important consideration when creating an exercise program for throwing athletes. This is because it is important for the demands of training to mirror athletic activities. In how to pitch better, the demands center on the capacity of the hip, trunk, shoulder, and upper limb muscles to exert a maximal amount of force in a minimal amount of time. The Sports Enhancer provides this very specific sport training and technique.

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