Tuesday 2 September 2014

How to Pitch Better

Collegiate Baseball players, after performing 8 weeks of plyometric training. Training on the Throwing Sports Enhancer can produce the same results. Training on the Throwing Sports Enhancer allows an athlete to perform plyometric exercises simulating the throwing motion with elastic resistance placed at strategic points to increase muscular-force output in a minimal amount of time. This is because it is important for the demands of training to mirror athletic activities. 

In throwing and pitching, the demands center on the capacity of the hip, trunk, shoulder, and upper limb muscles to exert a maximal amount of force in a minimal amount of time. The Sports Enhancer provides this very specific sport training and technique. The SSC uses the elastic and reactive properties of a muscle to generate maximal force production. When performing a plyometric exercise, a muscle is stretched before it contracts concentrically. This eccentric to concentric coupling uses muscle proprioceptor feedback to facilitate an increase in motor-unit recruitment over a minimal amount of time.

For More Detail Visit:-  How to Pitch Better

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