Tuesday 2 September 2014

Baseball Training Device

Throwing and Hitting Sports Enhancers to strengthen your core, generate power, and win games! The initial acceleration of the proximal segment encompasses all the distal segments as part of its inertia. The sequential deceleration of the proximal segments conserves momentum by transferring segmental velocity distally along the kinetic chain. This proximal-to-distal linkage provides an efficient and effective system to transfer force and produce greater velocity in a distal segment. This sequencing should be considered when attempting to train the throwing and hitting athlete. Based on the preceding, core strength and flexibility are the key to throwing and hitting power.

The major muscle groups being activated during throwing and hitting are: the rotators and extensors of the hip, the internal and external obliques of the trunk, the adductors and internal rotators of the shoulder, and the extensors of the elbow. The best way to train these muscles is to invoke the eccentric to concentric muscle coupling mechanism used during plyometric training on the Throwing and Hitting Sports Enhancers.

For More Information Visit: - Baseball Training Device

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