Friday 12 September 2014

Tips for throwing a baseball harder and more accurately

how to pitch betterDuring throwing and hitting, the proximal segments– the hip and trunk–accelerate the entire system and sequentially transfer momentum to the next distal segment, the shoulder and upper limb. Conservation of momentum explains this segmental interaction. The equation for angular momentum is segment inertia times its angular velocity. The initial acceleration of the proximal segment encompasses all the distal segments as part of its inertia. The sequential deceleration of the proximal segments conserves momentum by transferring segmental velocity distally along the kinetic chain. This proximal-to-distal linkage provides an efficient and effective system to transfer force and produce greater velocity in a distal segment. This sequencing should be considered when attempting to train the throwing and hitting athlete. Based on the preceding, core strength and flexibility are the key to throwing and hitting power.

For More Information About Throw Visit:-   How to Throw Better

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